Monday, April 13, 2009


soundtrack HIGH & LIFTED UP hillsong

"Science without religion is lame, religion without science is blind." 
-- Albert Einstein (Science, Philosophy and Religion: a Symposium", 1941)

what do i believe in?
everyone has an opinion. everyone blogs about their opinion.
we all have something to say. we all have something worth telling. 
what do i believe in?
there are innumerable thoughts in people's minds.
there are several theories that claim people's attention.
what do i believe in?
many are captivated by knowledge, by science, by convincing theories. 
you've heard about them, we've all heard them. 
what do i believe in?
i believe that the earth and its surrounding galaxies are beautiful. it is breathtakingly, cosmologically, magnificently fascinating. it is perfect. because of its beauty, many have been consumed with thoughts of its true beginning. many wonder how did it come to be? how did it all take place? what are the series of events that produced this beauty? yes, these thoughts have got me thinking, and yes it has left me too perplexed too many times. honestly, i don't think about it too much.. not because i know that i will never get a solid, concrete answer, but because i am satisfied with what i believe. 
what do i believe in?
i believe that creation is wonderful. i believe that our thoughts are a fascinating relay of neurons and electrical impulses within our system that causes us to ponder and wonder about every single thing. 
what do i believe in?
i believe that there is a GOD that created it all. i also believe that as beautiful and wonderful as our earth is, HE is merely pleased at this creation and doesn't pay much thought to it. because ultimately, HE tells me that this earth was a gift. this earth is one of the many blessings HE created for us. the beginning of the universe should not matter so much to us but rather the purpose of its creation. it was created for us to live in temporarily, during our short stay. the universe was created for me, for you, for humanity. it was created because of HIS love. it was created for HIS favorite creation. 
what do i believe in?
i believe a simple thank you will never be enough, but i'll try to say it everyday anyway. 
what do you believe?

created to believe, 

her lips,
they speak.

you can call me ES. i'm a vagabond. i like to wander, and so do my thoughts. rock, paper, scissors? i choose paper. i can express myself better through it. whether it be through words, fashion, or music, the important thing is to make a statement. be bold, be beautiful, be no one else but you.

i'm the queen of one-liners, or so i've been told// shoes always fit. numbers never lie. music is used when words fail. love is the great reversal. emotions are fickle. passion is consistent. God's love is constant. God instills passion.

*credits:, alluring dejection,
*best viewed: 1024x768 resolution


arby, anjelica, ron, rache, cleah, daniel, donnel, a&c,

fashion & media

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